Marshall Digital Scholar - ASA Annual Conference: Beautiful Solutions for Appalachia

Participation Type


Session Title

Economic Transition and Beautiful Solutions in Appalachia and the World

Session Abstract or Summary

Highlander Center's Appalachian Transition Fellowship Program is working across the region with fellows and host communities to explore ways forward both for both young people from Appalachia and community efforts to move the region forward to a more sustainable, equitable future. Highlander is also involved in work to have this conversation more nationally and globally, with the United States Solidarity Economy Network and Beautiful Solutions. In this workshop, we propose to explore lessons learned from Highlander staff and Appfellows participants and communities and then open the conversation to workshop participants to share challenges and strategies. We will facilitate this discussion, first inviting Appfellows from the first and second co-horts and community partners to share some ideas and then opening to the broader workshop about where we all can go from here. We will also share information and materials from Highlander's Mapping Our Futures - Economics and Governance Curriculum.

Presentation #1 Title

Beautiful Solutions for Appalachia

Presentation #1 Abstract or Summary

This presentation will share learnings from Highlander's Beautiful Solutions book and website project, that is aiming to share stories of hope from the South and Appalachia and beyond, that model a social solidarity economy approach. Elandria will share a few stories and provide information for interested people about how to contact and participate in this project.

At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #1

Elandria Williams is a member of the Education Team.She is on the Beautiful Solutions project team who will be launching a book and website to share alternatives that support community, families and the environment and is on the Economics and Governance Curriculum Team at Highlander. She has been involved in extensive youth work and organizing, anti-oppression work, and immigration organizing and networking. and helped to create Stay Together Appalachian Youth and the Appalachian Transition Fellowship program. She was born and raised in Powell, TN but her roots and family are in Florida and the Gulf Coast.

Conference Subthemes

Diversity and Inclusion, Economic Development, Environmental Sustainability

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Beautiful Solutions for Appalachia

This presentation will share learnings from Highlander's Beautiful Solutions book and website project, that is aiming to share stories of hope from the South and Appalachia and beyond, that model a social solidarity economy approach. Elandria will share a few stories and provide information for interested people about how to contact and participate in this project.