Marshall Digital Scholar - ASA Annual Conference: Locating the North in Appalachian Literature

Participation Type


Presentation #1 Title

Locating the North in Appalachian Literature

Presentation #1 Abstract or Summary

Public discourse as well as Appalachian literature tends to focus on central and southern Appalachia. While the northern sub-region was included in the government definition of the region (since the creation of the Appalachian Regional Commission), and no counties have been added to the northern sub-region in Pennsylvania, northwestern Maryland, or the northern panhandle of West Virginia since that time, there is limited attention to it in Appalachian studies. Thus, while the northern sub-region is of the region, it is often perceived as “not of” the region. This poster presentation provides bibliographic information and resources on indigenous peoples and early northern Appalachian colonial settlers (with attention to the large Scotch-Irish population) and early northern mountaineers. These resources could prove beneficial to those interested in studying common and unique cultural developments across the region.

At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #1

Pamela Twiss teaches in the Department of Social Work at California University of PA and Co-Coordinates the Northern Appalachian Network. She is a member of the River Town Coalition in the Mid Mon Valley of Pennsylvania.

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Locating the North in Appalachian Literature

Public discourse as well as Appalachian literature tends to focus on central and southern Appalachia. While the northern sub-region was included in the government definition of the region (since the creation of the Appalachian Regional Commission), and no counties have been added to the northern sub-region in Pennsylvania, northwestern Maryland, or the northern panhandle of West Virginia since that time, there is limited attention to it in Appalachian studies. Thus, while the northern sub-region is of the region, it is often perceived as “not of” the region. This poster presentation provides bibliographic information and resources on indigenous peoples and early northern Appalachian colonial settlers (with attention to the large Scotch-Irish population) and early northern mountaineers. These resources could prove beneficial to those interested in studying common and unique cultural developments across the region.