Marshall Digital Scholar - ASA Annual Conference: The Thick of Thin: Memoir of a Working-Class Writer

Participation Type


Session Title

Writing Appalachian Working-Class Memoirs

Session Abstract or Summary

Richard Hague (Milltown Natural), Julia Watts (Piece of the Heart), and Larry Smith (The Thick of Thin) three noted authors of Appalachian working-class memoir, will present from their work and discuss the forms and importance of memoir writing. Two of the writers are from urban and Northern Appalachian regions and will connect that area with Southern Appalachia. Each has published a memoir (Watts as a novel). All will also address the limited image of Appalachia and working-class people and culture projected in J. D. Vance’s popular Hillbilly Elegy book.

Presentation #1 Title

The Thick of Thin: Memoir of a Working-Class Writer

Presentation #1 Abstract or Summary

Smith will present a reading from his The Thick of Thin: Memoir of a Working-Class Writer and set out some of the themes of the panel.

At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #1

Smith is the author of two novels set in Appalachia and eight books of poetry. His recent memoir is The Thick of Thin: Memoirs of a Working-Class Writer (2017).
Smith is the director of Bottom Dog Press and a professor emeritus of Ohio's Bowling Green State University-Firelands College.

Presentation #2 Title

Memoir as Fiction: Piece of the Heart and Secret City

Presentation #2 Abstract or Summary

Julia Watts will present a discussion of the memoir as novel and read from her two books Secret City and Piece of the Heart

At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #2

Born in Southeastern Kentucky, Julia Watts is a novelist who has lived in Appalachia all her life. She is the author of fourteen novels for adults and young adults, most of which focus on the lives of LGBT people in the South. Her 2001 novel Finding H.F. won the Lambda Literary Award in the Children’s/ Young Adult category, and her 2013 novel Secret City was a Lambda Literary Award finalist and a Golden Crown Literary Award winner.

Presentation #3 Title

see below #4

Presentation #4 Title

Earnest Occupations and Learning How

Presentation #4 Abstract or Summary

Richard Hague will read from his two nonfiction books of his latest memoir and essay collection, Earnest Occutations.

At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #4

Richard Hague grew up in the industrial Ohio River Valley in Steubenville. The author of numerous books of poetry and prose, He continues to teach writing to adults and young people in Cincinnati. He is former Chair of the English Department at Purcell Marian High School.

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The Thick of Thin: Memoir of a Working-Class Writer

Smith will present a reading from his The Thick of Thin: Memoir of a Working-Class Writer and set out some of the themes of the panel.