Marshall Digital Scholar - ASA Annual Conference: Youth Expressions of Appalachian Identity in a Three-Generation Family Band

Participation Type


Session Title

Youth Expressions of Appalachian Identity in a Three-Generation Family Band

Session Abstract or Summary

Youth Expressions of Appalachian Identity in a Three-Generation Family Band

The familiar Appalachian impulse to “keep tradition alive” frequently represents a complex negotiation of past and present values among generational members. How might the young be invited to dynamically participate in music traditions in ways that inspire strong personal identification with Appalachian heritage? This artistic presentation will feature the traditional and original music of Tellico, a three-generation family band with Appalachian, urban Appalachian and suburban roots. Song selections will help tell the story of family migration experience, creative adaption embraced by specific generational members and the unique sense of cultural and musical identity that young performers develop within the music. Finally, Tellico will share its collective performance mission of actively engaging diverse community groups in reflective conversation about Appalachian identity. Audience members are invited to participate and share reflections.

Presentation #1 Title

Youth Expressions of Appalachian Identity in a Three-Generation Family Band

Presentation #1 Abstract or Summary

Youth Expressions of Appalachian Identity in a Three-Generation Family Band

The familiar Appalachian impulse to “keep tradition alive” frequently represents a complex negotiation of past and present values among generational members. How might the young be invited to dynamically participate in music traditions in ways that inspire strong personal identification with Appalachian heritage? This artistic presentation will feature the traditional and original music of Tellico, a three-generation family band with Appalachian, urban Appalachian and suburban roots. Song selections will help tell the story of family migration experience, creative adaption embraced by specific generational members and the unique sense of cultural and musical identity that young performers develop within the music. Finally, Tellico will share its collective performance mission of actively engaging diverse community groups in reflective conversation about Appalachian identity. Audience members are invited to participate and share reflections.

At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #1

Olivia M. Stanforth is a biology major at the University of Dayton. She sings and plays guitar in Tellico, a three-generation family band.

Presentation #2 Title

Youth Expressions of Appalachian Identity in a Three-Generation Family Band

Presentation #2 Abstract or Summary

Youth Expressions of Appalachian Identity in a Three-Generation Family Band

The familiar Appalachian impulse to “keep tradition alive” frequently represents a complex negotiation of past and present values among generational members. How might the young be invited to dynamically participate in music traditions in ways that inspire strong personal identification with Appalachian heritage? This artistic presentation will feature the traditional and original music of Tellico, a three-generation family band with Appalachian, urban Appalachian and suburban roots. Song selections will help tell the story of family migration experience, creative adaption embraced by specific generational members and the unique sense of cultural and musical identity that young performers develop within the music. Finally, Tellico will share its collective performance mission of actively engaging diverse community groups in reflective conversation about Appalachian identity. Audience members are invited to participate and share reflections.

At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #2

Corinne M. Stanforth is a senior at St. Ursula Academy, a high school in Cincinnati. She sings and plays mountain dulcimer in Tellico, a three-generation family band.

Presentation #3 Title

Youth Expressions of Appalachian Identity in a Three-Generation Family Band

Presentation #3 Abstract or Summary

Youth Expressions of Appalachian Identity in a Three-Generation Family Band

The familiar Appalachian impulse to “keep tradition alive” frequently represents a complex negotiation of past and present values among generational members. How might the young be invited to dynamically participate in music traditions in ways that inspire strong personal identification with Appalachian heritage? This artistic presentation will feature the traditional and original music of Tellico, a three-generation family band with Appalachian, urban Appalachian and suburban roots. Song selections will help tell the story of family migration experience, creative adaption embraced by specific generational members and the unique sense of cultural and musical identity that young performers develop within the music. Finally, Tellico will share its collective performance mission of actively engaging diverse community groups in reflective conversation about Appalachian identity. Audience members are invited to participate and share reflections.

At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #3

James A. Cook is a retired engineer with a heritage in North Georgia and East Tennessee. His immediate family migrated to Cincinnati when he was a child. He plays guitar and sings in Tellico, a three-generation family band.

Presentation #4 Title

Youth Expressions of Appalachian Identity in a Three-Generation Family Band

Presentation #4 Abstract or Summary

Youth Expressions of Appalachian Identity in a Three-Generation Family Band

The familiar Appalachian impulse to “keep tradition alive” frequently represents a complex negotiation of past and present values among generational members. How might the young be invited to dynamically participate in music traditions in ways that inspire strong personal identification with Appalachian heritage? This artistic presentation will feature the traditional and original music of Tellico, a three-generation family band with Appalachian, urban Appalachian and suburban roots. Song selections will help tell the story of family migration experience, creative adaption embraced by specific generational members and the unique sense of cultural and musical identity that young performers develop within the music. Finally, Tellico will share its collective performance mission of actively engaging diverse community groups in reflective conversation about Appalachian identity. Audience members are invited to participate and share reflections.

At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #4

Nancy L. Cook has a background in nursing and musical outreach to the community. She sings and plays mountain dulcimer in a three-generation family band called Tellico.

Conference Subthemes

Education, Migration

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Youth Expressions of Appalachian Identity in a Three-Generation Family Band

Youth Expressions of Appalachian Identity in a Three-Generation Family Band

The familiar Appalachian impulse to “keep tradition alive” frequently represents a complex negotiation of past and present values among generational members. How might the young be invited to dynamically participate in music traditions in ways that inspire strong personal identification with Appalachian heritage? This artistic presentation will feature the traditional and original music of Tellico, a three-generation family band with Appalachian, urban Appalachian and suburban roots. Song selections will help tell the story of family migration experience, creative adaption embraced by specific generational members and the unique sense of cultural and musical identity that young performers develop within the music. Finally, Tellico will share its collective performance mission of actively engaging diverse community groups in reflective conversation about Appalachian identity. Audience members are invited to participate and share reflections.