Marshall Digital Scholar - ASA Annual Conference: Mountaineers and Rebels: Identity, Secession, and Crisis in Civil War Virginia

Participation Type


Presentation #1 Title

Mountaineers and Rebels: Identity, Secession, and Crisis in Civil War Virginia

Presentation #1 Abstract or Summary

In this analysis, the Secession Crisis and its impact on the decision for the counties that would makeup West Virginia to secede from their eastern counterparts is viewed through the lens of a seperate, regional identity. By viewing the Virginia Secession Crisis and the arguments against state secession by those in the lands beyond the Allegheny Mountains as well as their actions after secession, the difference in identity is apparent and easily followed into West Virginia Statehood.

At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #1

Joshua Goodall is a second-year Masters student at James Madison University. His studies include Appalachian History, Frontier History, and Regional Identity in the Late Colonial and Early National Period.

Conference Subthemes

Diversity and Inclusion, Migration, Education

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Mountaineers and Rebels: Identity, Secession, and Crisis in Civil War Virginia

In this analysis, the Secession Crisis and its impact on the decision for the counties that would makeup West Virginia to secede from their eastern counterparts is viewed through the lens of a seperate, regional identity. By viewing the Virginia Secession Crisis and the arguments against state secession by those in the lands beyond the Allegheny Mountains as well as their actions after secession, the difference in identity is apparent and easily followed into West Virginia Statehood.