Marshall Digital Scholar - COLA Research and Creativity Conference: The Effect of Domestic Violence on Japanese Mothers

The Effect of Domestic Violence on Japanese Mothers

Presenter Information

Brittany Michelle MabryFollow

Document Type

Panel Presentation

Start Date

20-4-2018 10:45 AM

End Date

20-4-2018 12:00 PM


Japanese, domestic violence, mothers, mental illness, women social issues


Brittany Mabry is a Japanese major who has studied abroad at Chukyo University in Japan for one year. In her free time, she likes to travel and study about Japanese history and culture. She is interested in women's issues in Japan.



Advisor for this project

Natsuki Anderson


The purpose of my project is to explore the effects that domestic violence has on mothers in Japan caused by their husbands/partners. It mainly focuses on how the domestic violence affects the mother's mental state, and ties in the relationship with their children, and the effects on the whole family. Japanese culture, such as, uchi and soto will be introduced as well as possible solutions to decrease domestic violence in Japan. It will also briefly discuss the need for Japanese women to have a secure, good paying job in a male-dominate society to provide for herself and her children after she leaves her abusive partner.

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Apr 20th, 10:45 AM Apr 20th, 12:00 PM

The Effect of Domestic Violence on Japanese Mothers

The purpose of my project is to explore the effects that domestic violence has on mothers in Japan caused by their husbands/partners. It mainly focuses on how the domestic violence affects the mother's mental state, and ties in the relationship with their children, and the effects on the whole family. Japanese culture, such as, uchi and soto will be introduced as well as possible solutions to decrease domestic violence in Japan. It will also briefly discuss the need for Japanese women to have a secure, good paying job in a male-dominate society to provide for herself and her children after she leaves her abusive partner.