Perfection and Death: The Dissolution of Being-With

Presenter Information

Adam Hill, Marshall UniversityFollow

Document Type

Panel Presentation

Start Date

20-4-2018 2:00 PM

End Date

20-4-2018 3:15 PM


Heidegger, death, Dasein


Adam is a humanities student at Marshall University.


Philosophy, Latin

Advisor for this project

Dr. Jeff Powell


In Being and Time, Heidegger's development of "being" through the notions of Dasein, being-in, being-with, and death mirrors an individual's progressive awakening as a reflective being, as an inhabitant of the world, as a co-inhabitant in the world, and as a temporally restricted being. This presentation will explore this parallel, and its consequences.

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Apr 20th, 2:00 PM Apr 20th, 3:15 PM

Perfection and Death: The Dissolution of Being-With

In Being and Time, Heidegger's development of "being" through the notions of Dasein, being-in, being-with, and death mirrors an individual's progressive awakening as a reflective being, as an inhabitant of the world, as a co-inhabitant in the world, and as a temporally restricted being. This presentation will explore this parallel, and its consequences.