My Malady

Presenter Information

Tamera PierceFollow

Document Type

Panel Presentation


Relationship, poetry


This piece of work is a poem that I wrote regarding abusive relationships. It deals with the feelings associated with the healing process.


English Education

Advisor for this project

Puspa Dumai


This work explores the specifics of the abuse and how it still affects the speaker of the poem, while also allowing for the speaker to speak on their power. It is essentially the speaker taking back their power from an abuser and writing a letter to the abuser as a step in their healing.

my malady .docx (12 kB)

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My Malady

This work explores the specifics of the abuse and how it still affects the speaker of the poem, while also allowing for the speaker to speak on their power. It is essentially the speaker taking back their power from an abuser and writing a letter to the abuser as a step in their healing.