Japanese Kitsune Myths of the Past and Today

Presenter Information

Cecilia BillheimerFollow

Document Type

Panel Presentation


kitsune gendai media


I graduated Tulane University in 2014, with a Bachelor’s of Science in Linguistics and Asian Studies. I spent two years abroad, teaching in the town of Tosashimizu, Japan, through the JET Programme. I graduated from Marshall with an MAT in Mathematics in 2019. Now, I teach full time at Spring Valley High School.



Advisor for this project

Natsuki Anderson


The purpose of this project is to compare and contrast myths related to the Japanese fox spirit (kitsune) from different time periods. This project will begin with a look at how the creatures kitsune are defined, before looking at classic kitsune myths. Then, this project will look at portrayals of kitsune in modern media over the last thirty years. Finally, this project will look at what trends this might represent: is there a shift of how kitsune are depicted over time? If so, what implications does this have on broader Japanese cultural research? The key question behind this is “How have portrayals of kitsune in Japan changed over time?”

This document is currently not available here.



Japanese Kitsune Myths of the Past and Today

The purpose of this project is to compare and contrast myths related to the Japanese fox spirit (kitsune) from different time periods. This project will begin with a look at how the creatures kitsune are defined, before looking at classic kitsune myths. Then, this project will look at portrayals of kitsune in modern media over the last thirty years. Finally, this project will look at what trends this might represent: is there a shift of how kitsune are depicted over time? If so, what implications does this have on broader Japanese cultural research? The key question behind this is “How have portrayals of kitsune in Japan changed over time?”