Older Adult Attitudes Towards Substance Use Disorders

Presenter Information

Madison ArgabriteFollow

Presenter Type

Undergraduate Student

Document Type

Poster Presentation


older adults, substance use disorder, attitudes


My name is Madison Argabrite. I am currently a senior at Marshall University and will graduate in April with a degree in psychology. I plan to continue my education here at Marshall and earn my master's in social work. After graduating with my master's I hope to work with individuals who experience a substance use disorder which is why my research is very important to me!



Advisor for this project

Dr. Koontz



This research examines the attitudes that older adults hold towards substance use disorders. For the purpose of this research, attitudes towards substance use disorder may be defined as stigmatization towards this disorder or towards those individuals having this disorder. Data collection will focus on gathering the attitudes and beliefs held by those who are 50 years of age and older. Participants will be asked to complete a 30-question anonymous survey on Qualtrics, via Amazon Mechanical Turk, assessing different stigmatizing views towards the use of alcohol and other substances. We expect to find that older adults hold generally negative attitudes towards substance use disorder. Furthermore, we hypothesize they will hold more negative attitudes towards the use of opioids than alcohol. These attitudes likely serve as barriers to older adults seeking and receiving treatment for substance use disorder, when needed. Data collections is ongoing.

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Older Adult Attitudes Towards Substance Use Disorders


This research examines the attitudes that older adults hold towards substance use disorders. For the purpose of this research, attitudes towards substance use disorder may be defined as stigmatization towards this disorder or towards those individuals having this disorder. Data collection will focus on gathering the attitudes and beliefs held by those who are 50 years of age and older. Participants will be asked to complete a 30-question anonymous survey on Qualtrics, via Amazon Mechanical Turk, assessing different stigmatizing views towards the use of alcohol and other substances. We expect to find that older adults hold generally negative attitudes towards substance use disorder. Furthermore, we hypothesize they will hold more negative attitudes towards the use of opioids than alcohol. These attitudes likely serve as barriers to older adults seeking and receiving treatment for substance use disorder, when needed. Data collections is ongoing.