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This study explored factors that impact parents’ decisions to homeschool their children and examined the relationship between selected demographic factors and families that homeschool using an online survey snowball sample. Past research has focused on four main constructs: religious reasons, school safety, academic instruction, and a child’s special needs. This study elaborated on these four constructs and expanded to include other reasons parents might homeschool such as a need for family time, family travel, distance to school, financial reasons, or wanting to take a nontraditional approach to student learning. Findings suggest that academic instruction, family time and the desire to take a nontraditional approach to education are the reasons that parents homeschool. Demographically the homeschool population has not changed since the landmark 1999 Rudner study. However, the reasons that parents choose to homeschool have shifted to reflect the current state of unrest education in the United States.


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Copyright © Uniwersytet Wrocławski and Oficyna Wydawnicza ATUT, Wrocław 2020. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.
