Date of Award


Degree Name

Biological Sciences


College of Science

Type of Degree


Document Type


First Advisor

Thomas K. Pauley

Second Advisor

Dan K. Evans

Third Advisor

Suzanne G. Strait


The Northern Leopard Frog, Rana pipiens, is listed as a species of concern by the West Virginia Division of Natural Resources. Because this species is uncommon in West Virginia, information is needed to understand its distribution and conservation needs. I surveyed 14 historic R. pipiens locations and 70 Wildlife Management Areas throughout West Virginia beginning in March 2008. Rana pipiens was found in four locations; Greenbottom Wildlife Management Area was confirmed through both auditory and visual surveys and the rest were confirmed through visual observations. Besides Greenbottom Wildlife Management Area, all other sites were confirmed by the presence of a single adult or juvenile R. pipiens, which does not indicate a viable population. Due to their current distribution, we recommend that the Division of Natural Resources assign an S1 ranking to R. pipiens in West Virginia, because the only viable population found is located in Greenbottom Wildlife Management Area.


Northern leopard frog.

Greenbottom Wildlife Management Area -- Cabell County (W. Va.)
