"Faculty development among organized faculties in U.S. colleges and uni" by Roma Lynn Gay Adkins

Date of Award


Degree Name

Educational Leadership


College of Education and Professional Development

Type of Degree


Document Type


First Advisor

Stanley J. Anderson

Second Advisor

Harold I. Goodwin

Third Advisor

John A. Shultz

Fourth Advisor

Edwin R. Smith

Fifth Advisor

John O. Andes


Higher education has experienced limitations on resources, both human and material, through financial exigency and declining enrollments (28:1). Faculty mobility has declined, and the previously employed method of improving an institution’s faculty through the employment of new talent to stimulate growth and development is no longer possible. Thus, updating, revitalizing, and improving the quality of instructional and curricular endeavors was deemed as a problem for today’s colleges and universities (6:16). The ever tightening job market and leveling off of student enrollments have yielded reduced faculty mobility and resulted in faculty members entrenched in university positions. Simerly attributed continuously growing numbers of tenured faculty on post secondary campuses to this factor (66:3). He further stressed that relocation is no longer a viable method for faculty personnel to utilize in their attempts to refresh, regenerate, and stimulate personal and professional growth. Additionally, society has changed rapidly said has been flooded with new knowledge. Higher education faculty members have to spend more time maintaining competencies and up-to-date expertise in their disciplines (68:272).


The University of West Virginia College of Graduate Studies became the WV Graduate College in 1992 and was subsequently merged with Marshall University in 1997.


Universities and colleges – United States – Faculty.
