Date of Award


Degree Name

Biological Sciences


College of Science

Type of Degree


Document Type


First Advisor

Thomas K. Pauley

Second Advisor

Mary Etta Hight

Third Advisor

Charles Somerville


Two subspecies of cricket frogs, Acris crepitans blanchardi and Acris crepitans crepitans, historically have occurred in West Virginia. The range of Acris c. blanchardi, Blanchard’s Cricket Frog, begins along the Ohio River extending into West Virginia. The Eastern Cricket Frog, Acris c. crepitans, is found in counties located in the eastern panhandle. The Eastern Cricket Frog is a species of great concern. Two sites where Acris c. crepitans historically occurred, two sites that never contained A. c. crepitans, one historical site that currently has A. c. crepitans, and two new sites that have A. c. crepitans were studied by auditory and visual observation. Calls were first recorded during the period of May 2001 through August 2001. Breeding activity occurred from May-August, reaching its peak in June. Egg deposition occurred during amplexus. A range of 50-400 eggs were laid per female and incubation lasted approximately 8-9 days. Morphological measurements of larval, froglet, subadult, and adult stages were recorded. Significant relationships of morphological measurements between frogs at the seven sites, and between males and females were examined. Water chemistry, soil temperature, air temperature, and water were analyzed for differences in habitat. Water pH was generally the same for sites containing A. c. crepitans. Water, soil, and air temperatures were essentially higher at sites with Acris c. crepitans. Significant differences in water temperature between the months of May-September show that the breeding activity of A. c. crepitans is affected by water temperature.


Cricket frogs - West Virginia - Morphology.

Blanchard's cricket frog.
