Euscorpius | Vol 2018 | Iss 271



Scorpions of the Horn of Africa (Arachnida, Scorpiones). Part XVII.Revision of Neobuthus, with description of seven new species from Ethiopia, Kenya and Somaliland (Buthidae)
František Kovařík, Graeme Lowe, Ahmed Ibrahim Awale, Hassan Sh Abdirahman Elmi, and Ali Abdi Hurre
Iss. 271 (2018)

Kovařík, F., Lowe, G., Awale, A., Elmi, H., & Hurre, A. 2018 . Scorpions of the Horn of Africa (Arachnida, Scorpiones). Part XVII.Revision of Neobuthus, with description of seven new species from Ethiopia, Kenya and Somaliland (Buthidae). Euscorpius, No. 271: 1-72.