Euscorpius | Vol 2021 | Iss 342



Amphibians and reptiles as prey of Heteroctenus junceus (Scorpiones: Buthidae), with a summary of vertebrate predation by scorpions in the West Indies
Tomás M. Rodríguez-Cabrera,; Ernesto Morell Savall; and Rolando Teruel
Iss. 342 (2021)

Rodríguez-Cabrera,, T. M., Morell Savall, E., & Teruel, R. 2021 . Amphibians and reptiles as prey of Heteroctenus junceus (Scorpiones: Buthidae), with a summary of vertebrate predation by scorpions in the West Indies. Euscorpius, No. 342: 1-6.