Marshall Digital Scholar - MU IR Day: April 11, 2013: Introduction to Marshall Digital Scholar/Everything You Thought You Knew About Copyright


MU - IR Day, Flatwoods, WV

Start Date

11-4-2013 9:00 AM

End Date

11-4-2013 10:15 AM


Copyright Primer: demystifying the law and best practices for librarians. Ignorance of the law is no longer acceptable and individuals can now be assessed astronomically high statutory damages per infringement. Join us for a frank and informative discussion regarding current copyright law and application in your library when working with digital publisher content. We don’t pretend to have all the answers but our team will share our MDS workflow for securing permissions for inclusion in the institutional repository for public access


Apr 11th, 9:00 AM Apr 11th, 10:15 AM

Introduction to Marshall Digital Scholar/Everything You Thought You Knew About Copyright

MU - IR Day, Flatwoods, WV

Copyright Primer: demystifying the law and best practices for librarians. Ignorance of the law is no longer acceptable and individuals can now be assessed astronomically high statutory damages per infringement. Join us for a frank and informative discussion regarding current copyright law and application in your library when working with digital publisher content. We don’t pretend to have all the answers but our team will share our MDS workflow for securing permissions for inclusion in the institutional repository for public access


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