Author ORCID Identifier
Cassandra Simpkins 0000-0002-7872-5234
Alexandra Garrett Bowman 0009-0004-8605-0064
Kathleen Bors 0009-0005-9160-0099
Meghan Allwes 0009-0001-2041-3617
Lisa Calderwood - 0009-0002-7729-8733
social determinants of health; undergraduate medical education; undergraduate pharmacy education; health knowledge, attitudes, practice
Curriculum and Instruction | Medical Education
Social determinants of health (SDoH) are recognized as modifiable drivers of optimal health and an opportunity to achieve health equity, yet many clinicians still experience barriers to addressing their patients’ social needs. To help connect patients to supportive resources, the American Academy of Family Physicians developed the Neighborhood Navigator (NN) tool. This study examined the impact of incorporating the NN tool into SDoH education for medical and pharmacy students and examined their perceptions of the tool.
This prospective study of third- and fourth-year medical and PharmD students included assessments before and after an SDoH learning activity. The survey assessment queried attitudes and knowledge of SDoH and the NN tool. Pre- vs post-lecture responses were compared.
After the learning activity, the responses to the following statement changed significantly: “I have a comprehensive understanding of SDoH.”
Familiarizing clinicians with the NN tool should increase confidence in navigating SDoH and can be accomplished with straightforward instruction early in training.
Recommended Citation
Simpkins C, Bowman A, Bors K, Allwes M, Calderwood L.
Introducing a Point-of-Care Tool to Teach Health Science Students about Social Determinants of Health.
Marshall J Med.