"Allyship for the Rural Health Care Workforce" by Nancy D. Spector and Barbara Overholser

Author Credentials

Nancy D. Spector, M.D. Barbara Overholser, M.A.


Allyship, Rural, Health Care, Workforce


Education | Medicine and Health Sciences


The COVID-19 pandemic revealed a lot about the American impressive yet fragile and overtaxed health care system. Our support systems – both institutional and human- were taxed. Building our network through a variety of methods can help to strengthen our support system while also helping to dismantle the structural inequities that have negative consequences for our workforce and for patient care. Seeking allies in medicine has become an integral component of building one’s network and becoming an ally for those communities that are isolated or under resourced and for those who are underrepresented in medicine has become an important way to help promote structural change at the institutional level.
