"Marshall University Profiles in Prominence Volume 1, 2002" by Marshall University
Marshall University Profiles in Prominence Volume 1, 2002

Marshall University Profiles in Prominence Volume 1, 2002


Download Title Page, Introduction and Table of Contents (3.8 MB)

Download Robert C. Byrd: West Virginian of the Century by Charlotte Weber, Vice President for Federal Programs at Marshall University and Director of the Robert C. Byrd Institute for Advanced Flexible Manufacturing (629 KB)

Download John Conrad Fiedler: Making Your Opportunity by Tom Hunter, a communications specialist with Marshall University's Office of University Communications (971 KB)

Download Verna K. Gibson: Moxie by Keith Spears, Vice President for Institutional Advancement at Marshall University (601 KB)

Download Gale Given: Heeding a Wake-Up Call by Dave Wellman, Director of Communications at Marshall University (1.1 MB)

Download Tim Haymaker: Failure is Not an Option by Dan Angel, President of Marshall University (1.1 MB)

Download Ed Howard: Running Uphill by Patricia Angel, the First Lady of Marshall University (1.2 MB)

Download Selby Wellman: Serendipity by Jan Fox, Vice President for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer at Marshall University (1.3 MB)

Download Gary White: Speed by Dave Wellman, Director of Communications at Marshall University (831 KB)

Download Harvey White: Learn, Don't Fret by Nicki Johnson, News Editor at Marshall University (1.2 MB)

Download William E. Willis: Excellence Recognized by Martha Woodward, Director of the Center for Academic Excellence at Marshall University (1.2 MB)

Download Cover (42.2 MB)



A few years ago, the Angel family traveled across the country to Keystone, South Dakota. As we emerged from a mountain bridge, the faces of four former United States presidents appeared as if viewed through a telescope. Breathtaking! Majestic! Magnificent! The profiles were much more powerful in reality than in the glimpses provided in the famous Alfred Hitchcock film, North by Northwest.

We were struck by the imagination, the daring, and the tenacity of the artists who had conceived and brought the national monument to life. Here, etched in solid rock and on a gargantuan scale, were four significant Profiles in Prominence.

Having been at Marshall for the past three years, we continually have been impressed with the achievement and success of Marshall University alumni, who we’ve encountered all across America.

Discussing it one evening, we concluded that many of our 80,000 alums have indeed achieved prominence in their own right and that we should do something to chronicle their success. The result is this volume.

The ten individuals whom you will meet in these pages are truly Marshall University Profiles in Prominence. We hope to bring you an annual volume celebrating these marvelous stories of achievement. It is also our hope that these beacons of success will serve as inspiration for thousands of future Marshall students.

Dan and Patricia Angel

July 4, 2002

Edited By

Dan and Patricia Angel

Publication Date



Marshall University


Huntington, WV


Marshall University, alumni, biography, higher education


Higher Education

Marshall University Profiles in Prominence Volume 1, 2002
