Marshall University Profiles in Prominence Volume 2, 2003
Download Title Page, Introduction and Table of Content (1.4 MB)
Download Paul Ambrose: A Call to Action by Kenneth Paul Ambrose, professor at Marshall University and the father of Paul Wesley Ambrose (1.1 MB)
Download Kathy Eddy: Desire and Determination by Tom Hunter, communications specialist at Marshall University (1.0 MB)
Download Charles Hedrick: Be Prepared for Opportunities by Carolyn Hunter, retired Vice President for Development at Marshall University (1.4 MB)
Download Joe Johns: “He’s Just Joe” by Dave Wellman, Director of Communications at Marshall University (1.0 MB)
Download Ed Maier: Responding to a Thunderbolt by Pat Dickson, Coordinator of Media and Community Relations on Marshall University‘s South Charleston campus (1.5 MB)
Download Burl Osborne: Unique by Dave Wellman, Director of Communications at Marshall University (1.1 MB)
Download Bruce Thabit: High Hurdles by Keith Spears, Vice President for Institutional Advancement at Marshall University (1.4 MB)
Download Earl Ray Tomblin: Making His Mark by Raamie Barker, administrative assistant to West Virginia Senate President Earl Ray Tomblin (1.3 MB)
Download Russell Troutman: Doing More by Tim Stephens, Director of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes in Huntington, West Virginia (1.2 MB)
Download Dick Tutwiler: Making Adjustments by Tim R. Massey, retired reporter with The Herald-Dispatch in Huntington, West Virginia (931 KB)
Download Cover (40.9 MB)
A few years ago, the Angel family traveled across the country to Keystone, South Dakota. As we emerged from a mountain bridge, the faces of four former United States presidents appeared as if viewed through a telescope. Breathtaking! Majestic! Magnificent! The profiles were much more powerful in reality than in the glimpses provided in the famous Alfred Hitchcock film, North by Northwest.
We were struck by the imagination, the daring, and the tenacity of the artists who had conceived and brought the national monument to life. Here, etched in solid rock and on a gargantuan scale, were four significant Profiles in Prominence.
Having been at Marshall for the past four years, we continually have been impressed with the achievement and success of Marshall University alumni, who we’ve encountered all across America.
Discussing it one evening, we concluded that many of our 90,000 alums have indeed achieved prominence in their own right and that we should do something to chronicle their success. The result is this volume, the second in our series.
The ten individuals whom you will meet in these pages are truly Marshall University Profiles in Prominence. We hope to continue to produce annual volumes celebrating these marvelous stories of achievement. It is also our hope that these beacons of success will serve as inspiration for thousands of future Marshall students.
Dan and Patricia Angel
July 4, 2003
Edited By
Dan and Patricia Angel
Publication Date
Marshall University
Huntington, WV
Marshall University, alumni, biography, higher education
Higher Education
Recommended Citation
Marshall University, "Marshall University Profiles in Prominence Volume 2, 2003" (2003). Marshall Books. 3.