Document Type
Finding Aid
Publication Date
Acco binder with 16 plastic sheet protectors containing copy photographs of photographs used to illustrate his book "Bloodletting in Appalachia"; scrapbooks; correspondence concerning his book, "The Burning Springs"; newspaper clippings; some Marshall College items.
To view materials from this collection that are digitized and available online, search the Howard B. Lee Papers, 1902-1976 here.
Special collections material is obtained from many sources and is intended primarily for research and educational purposes. Certain works may be protected by copyright, trademark, or related interests not governed by the department. It is up to the researcher to verify that they have permission to use these materials for publication or other activities.
Accession Number
Access and Use
For more information or to use any of these collections, contact:
Special Collections, Morrow Library
Marshall University
One John Marshall Drive
Huntington, WV 25755
(304) 696-2343
Recommended Citation
Howard Burton Lee Papers, 1902-1976, Accession No. 1977/07.0194, Special Collections Department, Marshall University, Huntington, WV.
Span Dates: 1902-1976