Document Type
Finding Aid
Publication Date
The original scope and content listed in the accession record is as follows: Xerox only: Contains items concerning the Sammel family, as well as autographs of literary figures and an autograph letter signed by Jefferson Davis. The above description is listed because the current contents of the collection have expanded and changed without documentation as to those changes. The collection is currently composed of the following:
•Scrapbook of Parkersburg Sentinel Clippings, (1909-1914)
The contained clippings appear random, but a random sampling produced the following topics: local news (especially related to elections and city council), Stephenson family topics, and miscellaneous clippings (houses for sale and general interest articles).
•Copy of Family Scrapbook (date unknown, presumably the materials referred to in the original accession record referenced above).
This folder contains materials that go beyond the original scrapbook in scope,but do include the materials mentioned above in the original accession record. Due to the duplicated nature of these items, it is difficult to tell what is original to the scrapbook and what might have been added at a later date. What follows is a description of the broad contents of the folder: Sammel and Stephenson newspaper clippings as well as clippings related to local news, letters to Samuel (Stephenson?) in the 1890s, ephemera including invitations, photos of the family home and family photos more generally,materials related to the history of the Witten family, letters to Katherine Sammel (now Stephenson), and 19th century letters and business agreements between hard to determine participants.
•Diary (original, 1869), Diary (transcript), Diary (holograph copy).
This diary is actually a memoir written by Edward Stephenson III about his life and travels and about his paternal line arriving in America. It was written in 1869 while Stephenson was in Monterey, Mexico.
Special collections material is obtained from many sources and is intended primarily for research and educational purposes. Certain works may be protected by copyright, trademark, or related interests not governed by the department. It is up to the researcher to verify that they have permission to use these materials for publication or other activities.
Accession Number
Access and Use
For more information or to use any of these collections, contact:
Special Collections, Morrow Library
Marshall University
One John Marshall Drive
Huntington, WV 25755
(304) 696-2343
Recommended Citation
Stephenson Family Scrapbook, 1888-1972, Accession No. 1977/06.0195, Special Collections Department, Marshall University, Huntington, WV.
Span Dates: 1888-1972