June 13th, 1968 Letter from Chuck to Glennis
Chuck Yeager
June 13th, 1968 letter from Chuck to Glennis in which he discusses when he will return home following the closing of a wing of the air base that he is working at.
June 8th, 1968 Letter from Chuck to Glennis
Chuck Yeager
June 8th, 1968 letter from Chuck to Glennis in which he describes his trip to Southeast Asia, and the movements of the 336th. This is likely during Yeager's command at the Clark Air Base.
Undated Letter from Chuck to Glennis (Traveling)
Chuck Yeager
Letter from Chuck to Glennis in which Chuck describes his travels, and the state of a home that they are purchasing. Letter is dated "15th" but no month or year is listed. LIkely 1967 or 1968.
April 13th, 1968 Letter from Don Yeager to Chuck & Glennis
Don Yeager
Letter in which Don describes life as a soldier in Vietnam, along with speculating about life when he returns to America.
April 2nd, 1968 Letter from Don Yeager to Chuck & Glennis
Don Yeager
Letter from Don to his family in which he describes the lack of combat where he is stationed, and desires for new gear to be sent to him.
August 14th, 1968 Letter from Don Yeager to Yeager Family
Don Yeager
August 14th, 1968 letter from Don Yeager to the Yeager family in which he describes his movements and activities as a soldier in Vietnam.
August 2nd, 1968 Letter from Don Yeager to Yeager Family
Don Yeager
August 2nd, 1968 letter from Don Yeager to the Yeager family in which he discusses pay and insurance.
December 14th, 1968 Letter from Don Yeager to Family
Don Yeager
Don Yeager describes work as a squad leader, and living in the mountains of Vietnam.
December 25th, 1968 Letter from Don Yeager to Family
Don Yeager
Christmas letter from Don Yeager describing moving to a previously overrun military base, along with speculations of what happened there.
December 30th, 1968 Letter from Don Yeager to Family
Don Yeager
December 30th, 1968 letter from Don in which he explains having a cold, and speculations about moving locations.
January 14th, 1968 Letter from Don to Chuck and Glennis
Don Yeager
January 14th, 1968 letter from Don Yeager to Chuck and Glennis in which he describes his excitement for an upcoming "Rest & Recuperation" time, plans to buy a car, and overall increase in outlook towards his life as a soldier.
January 24th, 1968 Letter from Don Yeager to Chuck & Glennis
Don Yeager
January 24th, 1968 letter from Don Yeager to his parents in which he describes his worries about being moved from the rear to "Bong Son" and the troubles with his platoon being "under strength."
January 3rd, 1968 Letter from Don Yeager to Chuck & Glennis
Don Yeager
January 4th, 1968 letter from Don Yeager to his parents in which he describes nights in the jungle, along with recent combat encounters.
January 7th, 1968 Letter from Don Yeager to Family
Don Yeager
Letter from Don Yeager to Chuck & Glennis in which he describes life as a soldier in Vietnam, along with desires to return home.
July 15th, 1968 Letter from Don Yeager to Yeager Family
Don Yeager
Letter from Don Yeager to his family in which he describes Chuck Yeager's visit to him, and the atrocities of war that he has witnessed.
July 1st, 1968 Letter from Don Yeager to Chuck & Glennis
Don Yeager
Letter from Don Yeager to family in which he describes how miserable his stay in Vietnam is. At this point, he has "only 49" more weeks there.
July 31st, 1968 Letter from Don Yeager to Yeager Family
Don Yeager
Four page letter from Don Yeager to the Yeager family in which he describes how company dealt with hostiles near a village, and how they treated the inhabitants of the village.
November 22nd, 1968 Letter from Don Yeager to Yeager Family
Don Yeager
Letter from Don Yeager to his family in which he describes plans for when he returns to the United States.
November 26th Letter from Don Yeager to Yeager Family
Don Yeager
Letter from Don Yeager to the Yeager family in which he describes plans for his R&R and other solider activities.
October 18th Letter from Don Yeager to Yeager Family
Don Yeager
Letter from Don Yeager to the Yeager Family in which he describes some of the recent events that he's gone through as a soldier in Vietnam.
October 4th Letter from Don Yeager to Yeager Family
Don Yeager
Short letter from Don Yeager to Yeager family, dated October 4th.
Thanksgiving Letter from Don Yeager to Yeager Family
Don Yeager
Thanksgiving letter from Don Yeager to his family in which he gives thanks.
Undated Letter from Don Yeager to Chuck and Glennis (Early in Vietnam)
Don Yeager
Undated letter from Don Yeager to his parents describing the difficulties of being a soldier in Vietnam. Letter is undated, but likely early in his career as a soldier in Vietnam, so likely early 1968.
1967 Clark Women's Welfare Association Calendar
This calendar covers 1967. Dates include descriptions of payments, social events, and appointments. Most dates have descriptions on them.
Undated letter from Don Yeager to Glennis and Chuck Yeager
Undated letter from Don Yeager to his parents describing being out in Vietnam, but has not seen any conflict yet.
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