Session 7 Saturday March 29 1:00pm - 2:15pm | 2014 - New Appalachia: Known realities and imagined possibilities

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Saturday, March 29th
1:00 PM

Session 7.01 Come to the Table II: New and Returning Students

Come to the Table II: Student Involvement


Meredith A. Doster, Emory University
Kelli R. Kerbawy, Marshall University

Drinko Library 402

1:00 PM - 2:15 PM

Session 7.02 Folklore and Folkways

Contemporary Photographic Practices in Appalachia


Stacy Kranitz, University of California - Irvine
Roger May, Duke University

Corbly Hall 243

1:00 PM - 2:15 PM

Session 7.03 Activism and Organizing

Appalachian Rhetorics of Resistance: Toward Environmental Justice in the Mountains


Wendy M. Olson, Washington State University Vancouver

Drinko Library 138

1:00 PM - 2:15 PM

Session 7.03 Activism and Organizing

Identity and Marginalization in Contemporary Appalachia


Mariah J. Zimpfer, University of Edinburgh

Drinko Library 138

1:00 PM - 2:15 PM

Session 7.03 Activism and Organizing

Mediating Mountain Marginality: Implications for Further Comparative Research on Media Ecologies in Appalachia and the Andes


Tammy L. Clemons, University of Kentucky

Drinko Library 138

1:00 PM - 2:15 PM

Session 7.03 Activism and Organizing

Race Relations in Early West Virginia Coal Company Towns


Robert Carl DeMuth, Indiana University - Bloomington

Drinko Library 138

1:00 PM - 2:15 PM

Session 7.03 Activism and Organizing

Woodson Wilderness Challenge


Nora Jane Montgomery ms, Appalachian State University

Drinko Library 138

1:00 PM - 2:15 PM

Session 7.04 Architecture and Visual Arts

Curating the Mountaineer: A Cross-Cultural Perspective on the Representation of Mountain Communities in Appalachia and the Georgian Caucasus


Jasper J. Waugh-Quasebarth, University of Kentucky

Harris Hall 138

1:00 PM - 2:15 PM

Session 7.04 Architecture and Visual Arts

Exploiting Self-Representation: An Art Historical Approach to the Work of Shelby Lee Adams


Chelsea Brislin

Harris Hall 138

1:00 PM - 2:15 PM

Session 7.04 Architecture and Visual Arts

Ruins in Post Industrial Appalachia


Sarah Glenn, Miami University - Oxford

Harris Hall 138

1:00 PM - 2:15 PM

Session 7.05 Education

Colloquial Sexuality: Teaching Writing in an Appalachian Composition Classroom


Gregory J. Tolliver, West Virginia University

Corbly Hall 333

1:00 PM - 2:15 PM

Session 7.05 Education

Reconstructing Space & Place: Using Digital Professionalism and Digital Citizenship to Ignite Virtual and Lived Community in an Appalachian School


Cecelia McFadden, Ohio University

Corbly Hall 333

1:00 PM - 2:15 PM

Session 7.05 Education

Social Class and Appalachian Identity in Students' Postsecondary Decisions


Brandi S. Weekley, West Virginia University

Corbly Hall 333

1:00 PM - 2:15 PM

Session 7.05 Education

Where, How, and Why is “Appalachia” Figuring In to Rhetoric and Composition Studies?


Mary Beth Pennington, Old Dominion University

Corbly Hall 333

1:00 PM - 2:15 PM

Session 7.06 Environment and Ecology

All the Coal: Griffin v. Fairmont Coal Company and the Right to Contract


Robert C. Deal, Marshall University

Harris Hall 136

1:00 PM - 2:15 PM

Session 7.06 Environment and Ecology

Ethical Energy: Fair Trade, the End of Exploitation and the Move to Renewable Resources


Sheila Westfall

Harris Hall 136

1:00 PM - 2:15 PM

Session 7.06 Environment and Ecology

Sustainability and Spirituality in Appalachia


James Addington, Ohio University

Harris Hall 136

1:00 PM - 2:15 PM

Session 7.06 Environment and Ecology

Ukte'na: Horned Serpent of the Southern Appalachians


James A. Owen, University of Georgia

Harris Hall 136

1:00 PM - 2:15 PM

Session 7.07 Folklore and Folkways

Hippie Homesteaders: Art, Crafts, Music, and Living on the Land in West Virginia


Carter T. Seaton
Tom & Connie McColley
Ric MacDowell
Jude Binder

Corbly Hall 244

1:00 PM - 2:15 PM

Session 7.08 Education and Youth Issues

Place-Based Experiential Learning and the High Rocks Teaching Model


Sarah Riley, High Rocks
Margaret Emanuel

Corbly Hall 465

1:00 PM - 2:15 PM

Session 7.09 Environment and Ecology

Language, Ecology and Cartographic Boundaries: Globalizing Our Vision of Appalachia


From American Inches to Canadian Centimeters: the Appalachian Mountains Across Borders

"The Signs on the Road Ahead are in Other Languages": Teaching and Researching Appalachia from Global Perspectives

Lessons from Gregory Bateson and Barbara Kingsolver: Appalachia in the Biosphere

Hugo Freund -- From American Inches to Canadian Centimeters: the Appalachian Mountains Across Borders

Ted Olson -- "The Signs on the Road Ahead are in Other Languages: Teaching and Researching Appalachia from Global Perspectives"

Susan Issacs -- Lessons from Gregory Bateson and Barbara Kingsolver: Appalachia in the Biosphere

Hugo A. Freund, Union College - Barbourville
Ted Olson, East Tennessee State University
Susan Isaacs, Union College - Barbourville

Harris Hall 234

1:00 PM - 2:15 PM

Session 7.10 Folklore and Folkways

Blue Ridge Cultural Sustainability in Old Time Music, Ethnoveterinary Reflections, And African Roots and Influences


“The Music and Musicians of Watauga County, NC”--

Doctoring Around the Farm: A look at Ethnoveterinary Medicine in the Blue Ridge

Carolina Chocolate Drops and Regional Concerts Invigorate Cultural Sustainability

Cece Conway, Appalachian State University
Timothy C. McWilliams
Shawn Terrell, Appalachian State University

Harris Hall 446

1:00 PM - 2:15 PM

Session 7.11 Foodways and Nutrition

The Wild Ramp- a Local Food Market Encouraging Economic Development in the Tri-state Region


Katharine A. Lea, The Wild Ramp
Gail Patton, Unlimited Future

Harris Hall 303

1:00 PM - 2:15 PM

Session 7.12 Practical Research in Appalachia

Researching Appalachian History on a Budget


Sabrina Thomas, Marshall University

Harris Hall 137

1:00 PM - 2:15 PM

Session 7.13 History and Social Sciences

An Agrarian Linguistic Metric of Central Appalachian Cultural Shift


Jennifer Cramer, University of Kentucky
Luke McAnally, University of Kentucky

Harris Hall 130

1:00 PM - 2:15 PM

Session 7.13 History and Social Sciences

Froma White Hall to Bacon Hollow-Songcatching in the Blue Ridge


Maggie S. Marangione, Blue Ridge Community College - Weyers Cave

Harris Hall 130

1:00 PM - 2:45 PM

Session 7.13 History and Social Sciences

Seeking the Good Life on a Farm in Blue Ridge Appalachia: How Emerging Farmers, Not from a Farming Background, Negotiate Access to Land


David H. Walker Jr., Appalachian State University

Harris Hall 130

1:00 PM - 2:15 PM

Session 7.13 History and Social Sciences

The Ghosttown of Spruce is Quiet, Once Again


Roxy M. Todd, Warren Wilson College

Harris Hall 130

1:00 PM - 2:15 PM

Session 7.14 Immigration and Comparative Culture

From the Carpathians to the Appalachians: Slavic and Hungarian Immigration in West Virginia and the Pennsylvania Coalfields


From the Carpathians to the Alleghenies: Ukranian and Slavic Immigration in West Virginia and its Impact on Folklife and Culture

From Transylvania to West Virginia: New Directions in Coalfield History

The Hammered Dulcimer: Similarities and Differences between the Western Ukrainian and Central Appalachian Folk Instrument and Playing Styles

Donald E. Davis, Independent Scholar
Judy P. Byers, Fairmont State University
Noel Tenney, Fairmont State University
Lou Martin, Chatham University
Lynette Swiger, Frank and Jane Gabor West Virginia Folklife Center

Corbly Hall 464

1:00 PM - 2:15 PM

Session 7.15 Discussion

Revisiting Stereotypes: From Mockumentary to Documentary


John L. Howie, University of Pikeville
Bruce Parsons, University of Pikeville
Darrell N. Riffe, University of Pikeville

Corbly Hall 457

1:00 PM - 2:15 PM

Session 7.16 Social Sciences

Educating Medical Students in Appalachia: Suggestions for Culturally Sensitive Care


Pam A. Ebert, Kent State Universioty

Harris Hall 302

1:00 PM - 2:15 PM

Session 7.17 Literature and Poetry

New Writing from Appalachia


Reading from a novel, forthcoming from Old Cove Press, by Carrie Mullins

“Blue Window,” creative nonfiction, by Susan Weinberg

Reading from Trampoline, a novel, forthcoming from Ohio University Press, by Robert Gipe

Sandy Ballard, Appalachian State University
Carrie Mullins, Mount Vernon, KY
Susan Weinberg, Appalachian State University
Robert Gipe, Southestern Kentucky Community & Technical College

Drinko Library 349

1:00 PM - 2:15 PM

Session 7.18 Performance

Dust in the Bottomland


Nate May, Dust in the Bottomland
Andrew Munn

Drinko Library 3rd Floor Atrium

1:00 PM - 2:15 PM

Saturday, March 28th
2:30 PM

Session 7.01 Language

Exploring the Cultural Heritage of Appalachian Rhetoric


Amanda Hayes, Ohio University - Main Campus

2:30 PM - 3:45 PM

Session 7.01 Language

Surveying Appalachia: Language Change and Perception


James Daniel Hasty, Coastal Carolina University
Becky Childs, Coastal Carolina University

2:30 PM - 3:45 PM

Session 7.02 Education

University & Community Collaboration: “Roots with Wings”: Floyd County, Virginia, Place-based Education Oral History Project, A Youth Resiliency Effort


Theresa L. Burriss, Radford University
J. Austin Addair, Radford University
Victoria R. Curtis, Radford University
Taylor LaPrade, Radford University
Caroline Leggett, Radford University
Christopher A. Miller, Radford University
Kasy Campbell, Radford University

2:30 PM - 3:45 PM

Session 7.03 Music: Music of the Carpathian Mountains

Music Traditions in the Ukrainian Carpathians


Highland Music: Means of Stimulation and Rehabilitation of the Child

Implementation of International Experience in Collecting and Preserving Folk Music Instruments in Roman Kumlyk Museum

Musical Folklore Art of the Carpathian Mountains

Maria Klepar, Precarpathian National University
Larysa Slyvka
Andriy Chervinsky
Nadia Kindrat

2:30 PM - 3:45 PM

Session 7.04 (Education) Teaching in a Time of Climate Crisis: A Collaborative Summer Immersion Experience in Earth Literacy for Appalachian Colleges and Universities

“Narrow Ridge Earth Literacy Center and the University Immersion Experience” (Mitzi Wood von Mizener, Narrow Ridge Earth Literacy Center)


“The Narrow Ridge/Carson-Newman Partnership” (Beth Vanlandingham, Carson-Newman University)

“Walking the Narrow Ridge: Foundational Ideas and Implications of Earth Literacy” (Bill Nickle, Narrow Rdge Earth Literacy Center)

“Singing in the Hills: Music and Earth Literacy” (Guy Larry Osborne, Carson-Newman University)

Mitzi Wood von Mizener, Narrow Ridge Earth Litercy Center
Beth Vanlandingham, Carson-Newman University
Bill Nickle, Narrow Ridge Earth Literacy Center
Guy Larry Osborne, Carson-Newman University

2:30 PM - 3:45 PM

Session 7.05 Education

Strings and Bows in the Academy: Teaching Bluegrass, Old Time, Country, and Celtic Music in an Appalachian Studies Program


Teaching Bluegrass, Old Time, Country, and Celtic Music in an Appalachian Studies Program

Teaching Bluegrass, Old Time, Country, and Celtic Music in an Appalachian Studies Program

Teaching Bluegrass, Old Time, Country, and Celtic Music in an Appalachian Studies Program

Ron R. Roach, East Tennessee State University
Roberta Herrin, East Tennessee State University
Daniel Boner, East Tennessee State University
Jane MacMorran, East Tennessee State University

2:30 PM - 3:45 PM

Session 7.06 (Stereotypes) Many Mountains, Many Misconceptions, Many Myths: Reinterpreting Early 20th Century Representations of the Region

A Med Student in a Bonnet and a Rifle Maker in Heels: Revisiting Doris Ulmann


Early Images of Appalachia

“Devoted to the Interest of the Appalachian Mountains”: Representing Appalachia in Early 20th Century Magazines

Joy Gritton, Morehead State Univ
Philis Alvic, Artist/Writer
Penny Messinger, Daemen College

2:30 PM - 3:45 PM

Session 7.07 Ethnicity and Race

J. Edwin Campbell: African American Poet, Educator and Activist


Michelle Haugh O'Malley, Ohio University
Christina Veladota, Washington State Community College
Elizabeth Smathers Shaw, Ohio University - Main Campus
Jack Wright, Ohio University - Main Campus

2:30 PM - 3:45 PM

Session 7.08 (Agriculture) Many farms, Many tables: Connecting the food economy in Appalachia

The West Virginia Food and Farm Coalition: "we are YOUR coalition"


Appalachian Sustainable Development: living better, locally

Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project: local food, strong farms, healthy communities

Emily BidgoodAppalachian Resource Conservation & Development Council: local hands and local lands

Elizabeth Spellman, West Virginia Food and Farm Coalition
Kathlyn Terry, Appalachian Sustainable Development
Molly Nicholie, Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project
Emily P. Bidgood, Appalachian Resource Conservation & Development Council

2:30 PM - 3:45 PM

Session 7.09 (Appalachian Studies) The Art of Conferencing: Proposing, Presenting, and Politicking

The Silver Racer in Frank X. Walker's "Isaac Murphy: I Dedicate This Ride"


Adam Sheffield, Appalachian State University
Emily Satterwhite, Virginia Tech
Barry T. Whittemore, University of North Georgia
Kathryn Engle, University of Kentucky
Brittany Means, Appalachian State University

2:30 PM - 3:45 PM

Session 7.10 (Archives) The Pearl S. Buck Manuscripts Collection: A Collaboration to Promote one of America’s Foremost Authors

The Pearl S. Buck Manuscripts Collection and the Pearl S. Buck Birthplace Foundation


The Pearl S. Buck Manuscripts Collection and West Virginia Wesleyan College

The Pearl S. Buck Manuscripts Collection and the West Virginia and Regional History Collection at West Virginia University Libraries

Lori Hostuttler, West Virginia University Libraries
John Cuthbert, West Virginia University Libraries
Kirk Judd, Pearl S. Buck Birthplace Foundation
Brett Miller, West Virginia Wesleyan College

2:30 PM - 3:45 PM

Session 7.11 Historic Sites

The Birthplace of Country Music?: Challenges, Rhetoric, and Nuanced Experiences of Bristol and Appalachia at the Birthplace of Country Music Museum


Jessica A. Turner, Birthplace of Country Music Museum
Dave Lewis, Birthplace of Country Music Museum
Thomas Richardson, Birthplace of Country Music Museum
René Rodgers, Birthplace of Country Music Museum

2:30 PM - 3:45 PM

Session 7.12 Literature

Voice Lessons


Amanda J. Runyon, University of Pikeville
Darnell Arnoult, Lincoln Memorial University
Karen McElmurray
Jessie van Eerden, West Virginia Wesleyan College

2:30 PM - 3:45 PM

Session 7.13 Ethnicity and Race

Bringing People Together: Inter-racial Efforts in the Early 1950s in Knoxville


Mary Beth Bingman, independent activist scholar

2:30 PM - 3:45 PM

Session 7.15 Literature

A Poetry Reading by Jesse Graves, Don Johnson, and Jeff Daniel Marion


Don Johnson, Presenter

Jeff Daniel Marion, Presenter

Jesse K. Graves
Don Johnson, ETSU
Jeff Daniel Marion

2:30 PM - 3:45 PM

Session 7.15 Literature

Undomesticated: Women Poets Writing from Home


Undomesticated: Women Poets Writing from Home

Undomesticated: Women Poets Writing from Home

Jane Hicks, retired
Rita Quillen, Early Autumn Farm
Catherine Childress

2:30 PM - 3:45 PM

Session 7.16 (Music) Transmission of Tradition: Music and Dance

Migrations of Old Time Appalachian Fiddling Styles.


Family Music: The Role of Kinship in the Preservation and Transmission of Traditional Music in Kentucky.

Square Dancing in Madison County, Kentucky: Evolving Tradition.

Susan Eike Spalding, Berea College
Aisha Ivey, Florida State University
Page McClean, Colorado Mountain College

2:30 PM - 3:45 PM

Session 7.16 Music

Robert Dotson's Walking Step: How one mountain man’s flat-foot step changed Applachian percussive dance.


Rodney C. Sutton

2:30 PM - 3:45 PM

Session 7.17 Music

Drone String Showcase: Family Storytellers Share Their Appalachian Songs and Literature


Sherry Cook Stanforth, Thomas More College

2:30 PM - 3:45 PM

Session 7.18 Music

For the Love of Barbie Allen: A Modern Child Ballad


Phillip A. Barnett, University of Kentucky
Zachary T. Curry, University of Kentucky

2:30 PM - 3:45 PM

Session 7.18 Music

The Red Rose and the Briar: An Alternate View of Early Balladry in the Southern Appalachians


Elizabeth DiSavino, Berea College

2:30 PM - 3:45 PM