Date of Award


Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Graduate School of Education and Professional Development

Type of Degree


Document Type


First Advisor

Powell E. Toth

Second Advisor

Teresa Eagle

Third Advisor

Lynne B. Welch


The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between mean student program scores on standardized pre-graduation nursing tests, program attendance policies, grading scales, policies on repeating nursing courses, faculty turnover, degree, teaching experience, clinical nursing experience, part-time faculty, national certification, and NCLEX-RN success in West Virginia nursing programs from 1991-2000. A causal comparative and correlational design was used to investigate the relationship between the dependent variable of NCLEX-RN pass rates and the independent variables. The population of this study consisted of 19 undergraduate nursing programs preparing graduates for entry into practice as registered nurses. Data collection tools utilized were a nursing program survey mailed to the administrative heads of the 19 nursing programs and tool for collecting data from the 187 annual reports submitted to the West Virginia Board of Examiners for Registered Nurses. Significant relationships were found between mandatory classroom attendance policies and pass rates on NCLEX-RN, between mandatory clinical attendance policies and pass rates on NCLEX-RN, between the number of times that students were allowed to repeat nursing courses and pass rates on NCLEXRN, and between the number of years of clinical nursing experience of faculty outside teaching and pass rates on NCLEX-RN for the graduating class. No significant relationships were identified between standardized pre-graduation comprehensive tests, program size, program grading scales, faculty turnover, years of teaching experience, faculty degree, percentage of part-time faculty, faculty national board certification, and pass rates on NCLEX-RN.


Nurses - Licenses - West Virginia


Nursing - Ability testing - West Virginia
