Euscorpius | Vol 2015 | Iss 213



Two new Chaerilus from Vietnam (Scorpiones, Chaerilidae), with observations of growth and maturation of Chaerilus granulatus sp. n. and C. hofereki Kovařík et al., 2014
František Kovařík, Graeme Lowe, David Holferek, Martin Forman, and Jiří Král
Iss. 213 (2015)

Kovařík, F., Lowe, G., Holferek, D., Forman, M., & Král, J. 2015 . Two new Chaerilus from Vietnam (Scorpiones, Chaerilidae), with observations of growth and maturation of Chaerilus granulatus sp. n. and C. hofereki Kovařík et al., 2014. Euscorpius, No. 213: 1-21.