Session 10 Sunday March 30 8:30am - 9:45am | 2014 - New Appalachia: Known realities and imagined possibilities

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Sunday, March 30th
8:30 AM

Session 10.01 Environment and Ecology

Barbara Kingsolver’s Prodigal Summer: A Commentary on Silent Spring


Heather Dawne Miles, Marshall University

Corbly Hall 244

8:30 AM - 9:45 AM

Session 10.01 Environment and Ecology

Foundlings: Old-Growth Forest Groves in Eastern Townships


Scott R. Honeycutt, East Tennessee State University

Corbly Hall 244

8:30 AM - 9:45 AM

Session 10.01 Environment and Ecology

"Like Nothing Else in Tennessee": Wallace Stevens' "Anecdote of the Jar," Elizabethton Tennessee, and the Industrial Logging of Appalachia


Kevin O'Donnell, East Tennessee State University

Corbly Hall 244

8:30 AM - 9:45 AM

Session 10.01 Environment and Ecology

Oxyana and Cottonland: Exploring Regional Identity in Post-industrial Appalachia and Atlantic Canada


Peter Thompson, Carleton University

Corbly Hall 244

8:30 AM - 9:45 AM

Session 10.02 Folklore and Folkways

A New Look at Those Hackneyed Hillbillies


Cynda S. Douglas

Corbly Hall 466

8:30 AM - 9:45 AM

Session 10.02 Folklore and Folkways

“A Story About A Brave Mountaineer”: Ballad Interpretations of the Hillsville, Virginia Courthouse Shootout of 1912


Travis A. Rountree, University of Louisville

Corbly Hall 466

8:30 AM - 9:45 AM

Session 10.02 Folklore and Folkways

The Annotated Barbara Allen: An Online Resource


Gregory J. Loselle

Corbly Hall 466

8:30 AM - 9:45 AM

Session 10.03 Music and Folklore

June Appal Recordings at 40


Rich Kirby, Appalshop
Jack Wright
Josh May, Appalshop

8:30 AM - 9:45 AM

Session 10.04 Environment and Ecology

Report from a Tourism-Based Development Project in Elkhorn City, Kentucky: A Community-University Collaboration


Shaunna L. Scott, University of Kentucky
Stephanie McSpirit, Eastern Kentucky University
Michael J. Bradley, Eastern Kentucky University
Ryan L. Sharp, Eastern Kentucky University

Corbly Hall 464

8:30 AM - 9:45 AM

Session 10.06 Literature and Poetry

A Reading and Roundtable—Appalachian Poetry and Fiction: Reckoning with the Past and Embracing Change


A Reading and Roundtable—Appalachian Poetry and Fiction: Reckoning with the Past and Embracing Change

Jessie van Eerden, West Virginia Wesleyan College MFA
Doug Van Gundy, West Virginia Wesleyan College MFA
Mark DeFoe, West Virginia Wesleyan College MFA
Karen McElmurray, West Virginia Wesleyan College MFA

Corbly Hall 268

8:30 AM - 9:45 AM

Session 10.07 Gender and Sexuality

Women's Roles in Resistance Movements in Appalachia


Emily G. Gillespie, Western Kentucky University

Harris Hall 136

8:30 AM - 9:45 AM

Session 10.08 Health and Medicine

Having a Disability in Appalachia: Social and Cultural Considerations


Sara Henson, Marshall University
Megan Foster, Marshall University
Hilliary Johnson, Marshall University
Jordan Lewis, Marshall University
Karen L. McComas, Marshall University

Corbly Hall 467

8:30 AM - 9:45 AM

Session 10.09 Health and Medicine

Child Abuse Prevention in Appalachia


Amanda S. Adams-Mock, Lindsey Wilson College
Kellee Boster, Marshall University
Marianna Footo-Linz, Marshall University

Harris Hall 130

8:30 AM - 9:45 AM

Session 10.10 History and Poverty

Seeking Vision: Reflections on the 50th Anniversary of LBJ’s War on Poverty


Frans Doppen, Ohio University - Main Campus
Jennifer Hinkle, Ohio University - Main Campus
Tiffany Laipply, Washington County Community College
Loraine McCosker, Ohio University - Main Campus
John Winnenberg, Sunday Creek Associates

Harris Hall 139

8:30 AM - 9:45 AM

Session 10.11 Literature and Poetry

"A Place Called Solid": Celebrating Poet Louise McNeill and her "peculiar stance"


“’But now an unknown dread is whirring’: Issues for Contemporary Readers in Louise McNeill’s 1939 Gauley Mountain,”

“The Paradox of Home, McNeill's Creation Myth”

“Fear and Loathing in Louise McNeill’s Poetry”

“Old women in the night can see: The Milkweed Ladies as something deep and earth-given”

Marianne Worthington, University of the Cumberlands
A. E. Stringer, Marshall University
Ron Houchin
Glenn Taylor, West Virginia University

Corbly Hall 333

8:30 AM - 9:45 AM

Session 10.12 Gender and Sexuality

Attitudes and Student Outcomes Among College Students in Appalachia: Cohort Differences?


Kristi A. Barnes

Corbly Hall 243

8:30 AM - 9:45 AM

Session 10.12 Gender and Sexuality

“I am a Safe Space”: Making Personal Connections in Professional Safe Space Training in a Central Appalachian College


Kelli R. Kerbawy, Marshall University
Linda Spatig, Marshall University

Corbly Hall 243

8:30 AM - 9:45 AM

Session 10.12 Gender and Sexuality

The Appalachian Culture and Female Doctoral Students: A Study of the Perception of Influence of Appalachian Culture on Female Doctoral Students at Marshall University Graduate College


Rikki E. Lowe, Marshall University

Corbly Hall 243

8:30 AM - 9:45 AM

Session 10.13 Literature, Poetry, and Song

Down and Back Up Again: A Solo Trip in the Black Mountains


Britton Cody Lumpkin, Marshall University

Corbly Hall 354

8:30 AM - 9:45 AM

Session 10.13 Literature, Poetry, and Song

History Happens to Real People


Rebecca Hoskins Goodwin

Corbly Hall 354

8:30 AM - 9:45 AM

Session 10.13 Literature, Poetry, and Song

These Tunes, This Circle (poetry reading)


Bill Jolliff, George Fox University

Corbly Hall 354

8:30 AM - 9:45 AM

Session 10.13 Literature, Poetry, and Song in Appalachia

Wayfaring Strangers: Old-Time Culture and Indie-Rock Logic in the Post-Commercial Popular Marketplace


Marc Faris, East Carolina University

Corbly Hall 354

8:30 AM - 9:45 AM

Session 10.14 Folklore and Folkways

Ballad Gems from Western Pennsylvania


Beth Bergeron Folkemer, Dearest Home
Stephen P. Folkemer, Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg

Harris Hall 234

8:30 AM - 9:45 AM

Session 10.15 Appalachian Social Issues

Old Appalachia's New Coat


Brenna Ishler, Radford University
Melinda B. Wagner Dr., Radford University
Brianna Kirker, Radford University
Katy Pettit, Radford University

Harris Hall 137

8:30 AM - 9:45 AM

Session 10.16 Race and Ethnicity

Color Me Appalachian: Teaching Diverse Students About Appalachia


Meta Mendel-Reyes, Berea College
Althea Webb, Berea College

Harris Hall 235

8:30 AM - 9:45 AM

Session 10.17 Economic Development

A vision of economic transition from the grassroots: The “Economic Transition Listening Project” of the Alliance for Appalachia


Betsy Taylor, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Dan Taylor, Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition
Andrew Munn, Southern Appalachian Labor School
Bill Price, Sierra Club

Harris Hall 236

8:30 AM - 9:45 AM

Session 10.18 Music

Folk/Traditional Music from West Virginia Composers/Performers Arranged for Classical Guitar: an Ensemble Approach


Júlio Ribeiro Alves, Marshall University

Harris Hall 303

8:30 AM - 9:45 AM

Sunday, March 29th
10:45 AM

Session 10.01 Agriculture

Buzzing Around the World: Natural Appalachian Beekeeping in Comparative Context


Roberta E. Seamon, Appalachian State University

10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Session 10.01 Agriculture

Cock-a-doodle-coop: An Architect’s Response to the Call of Chickens Needing Shelter in Appalachia


Chad Everhart, Appalachian State University

10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Session 10.01 Agriculture

The Decline of the Dairy Industry in Mason County, West Virginia—1934-2014


Douglas Sturgeon, Shawnee State University

10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Session 10.01 Agriculture

The Old Gray Mare Ain't What She Used To Be


Michael E. Joslin, Lees-McRae College

10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Session 10.01 Environment

Microhabitat use by migrating songbirds in the Southern Appalachian Mountains


Anjelika Kidd, Mars Hill University

10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Session 10.02 Music

Conflict and Morality in Appalachian ballads and Mexican corridos


Benjamin Duvall-Irwin, Hendrix College

10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Session 10.02 Music

’Gangsta Rap’ and Appalachian Folk Music: Participants in an American Music History of Violent Lyrics


Carson Benn, Texas Tech University

10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Session 10.02 Music

The Philosophy of Fatalism in Appalachian Gospel Music


Vicky L. Evans, Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College

10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Session 10.03 Agriculture

Stinking Creek Stories: The Lend-A-Hand Center Grow Appalachia Gardening Project


Laura Brookshire, Appalachian State University
Kathryn Engle, University of Kentucky

10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Session 10.03 Education

Designing on a Dime: Creating a Virtual Presence for Non-Profit Organizations


Julieann F. Helton, Morehead State University

10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Session 10.03 Education

Inter-generational community reflection via the Clinch River Oral History Project


Christopher W. Dodson

10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Session 10.03 Education

Kids and community history: fostering Appalachian pride in the next generation


Andrew Kuchenbrod,

10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Session 10.04 Archives

The Appalachian Folklife Archive at Radford University's McConnell Library


Ricky L. Cox, Radford University

10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Session 10.04 Ethnicity and Race

Curating Community


Anna Fariello

10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Session 10.04 Libraries

Lighting the Fuse: Building regional identity through public library services in rural Central Appalachia


Laura C. McPherson

10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Session 10.04 Women and Gender

Saving Lives: Finding, Documenting, and Preserving Women’s Stories


Billie R. McNamara

10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Session 10.05 Social Conditions

Adoption in Appalachia: Who, How, Why, and What Love's got to do with It


How I got my Son: My Story

How I became Someone Else's Son: My Story

This Ain't No Lifetime Movie: How Adoptions Really Work

Wendy Welch, UVA Wise
Jon Holmes, Frontier Health
Tim Phillips
John Doe

10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Session 10.07 Environment

Video: Lost on the Road to Oblivion


Collection of Poems: Lost on the Road to Oblivion

Lost on the Road to Oblivion, The Vanishing Beauty of Coal Country

Scott Temple, Cleveland Community College
Joseph Bathanti, Appalachian State University
Carl Galie, Independent Photographer

10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Session 10.08 Education

Teaching marginalized regional styles in applied musical instruction


Sally L. Berry, East Tennessee State University

10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Session 10.09 Historic Sites: New Approaches to Culture Preservation and Education in the Ukrainian Carpathians

Preserving Highland Culture: Castles in the Carpathian Mountains


Family Traditions and Customs in Educating Students of the Ukrainian Carpathians

Ukrainian Diaspora in Appalachia: Preserving Roots

Marianna Marusynets, Institute for Pedagogical Studies and Adult Education of National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine
Lesia Boiko, Children Art House, Ivano-frankivsk
Oksana Nych, Precarpathian National University

10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Session 10.10 Education

The Song as Text for Student Analysis Workshop


Rhonda S. Pettit

10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Session 10.11 Music

Old Westmoreland: Northern Appalachian ballads, songs, and spirituals from the unpublished Bayard Folk Song Collection


Beth Bergeron Folkemer, independent researcher, Dearest Home
Margaret M. Folkemer, independent researcher, Dearest Home

10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Session 10.12 Music

Many Mountains, Many Musics, Many Movements


Jordan L. Laney, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Williard Watson, Appalachian State University
Forest Yerman, Appalachian State University
Nate May, University of Cincinnati, College-Conservatory of Music

10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Session 10.13 Education

Folk Songs in the Elementary Classroom


Morgan K. Webb
Bella Reel

10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Session 10.15 (Music) Shifflettness: The Nasreddin Shifflett Cycle

Shifflettness: The Nasreddin Shifflett Cycle


Raven Mack, Rojonekku Word Fighting Arts
Josh Brown, Rojonekku Word Fighting Arts

10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Session 10.16 Music

Herb Key: Nurturing American Heritage


Rebecca B. Jones

10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Session 10.17 Music

Cecil Gurganus, Traditional Music Mentor for Many Around Boone


Hilda Jane Downer, Appalachian State University
Meade Grey Richter, East Tennessee State University

10:45 AM - 12:00 PM