Session 3 Friday March 28 2:00pm - 3:15pm | 2014 - New Appalachia: Known realities and imagined possibilities

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Friday, March 28th
2:00 PM

Session 3.01 Come to the Table

Come to the Table I: Appalachian Archivists & Activists


Chris Green, Berea College
Eric Lassiter, Marshall University
Harry Rice, Berea College
Michael Tierney, Step by Step

Drinko Library 402

2:00 PM - 3:15 PM

Session 3.02 Tourism and Development

An Imagined Possibility: An Entrepreneurial Ecosystem for Eastern Kentucky


Peter H. Hackbert, Berea College

Jenkins Hall 100

2:00 PM - 3:15 PM

Session 3.03 Education

AppalArts Magazine: The Origin


AppalArts Magazine: The Business

Phillip A. Barnett, University of Kentucky
Danna L. Spears, University of Kentucky

Harris Hall 138

2:00 PM - 3:15 PM

Session 3.04 Natural Resources

After Coal: Welsh and Appalachian Mining Communities


Tom Hansell, Appalachian State University
Patricia Beaver, Appalachian State University
Karen Russo, Appalachian State University

Jenkins Hall B10

2:00 PM - 3:15 PM

Session 3.05 Higher Education in Appalachia

Appalachian Barriers to Study Abroad Experiences


Sara Danielle Adkins, University of West Georgia
Sumer Marie Bingham, University of Pikeville

Drinko Library 349

2:00 PM - 3:15 PM

Session 3.05 Higher Education in Appalachia

Appalachian Cultural Influences on Graduate Students in English Studies


Amanda Hayes, Ohio University - Main Campus

Drinko Library 349

2:00 PM - 3:15 PM

Session 3.05 Higher Education in Appalachia

Measuring the Known Realities of Regional Icons from the Possible Imaginings of Appalachian Art: Techniques for Learning and Teaching About Appalachian Art


Kristin M. Kant-Byers, Rochester Institute of Technology

Drinko Library 349

2:00 PM - 3:15 PM

Session 3.06 History, Politics, Government and Crime

Attorneys Helped Create a New Appalachia


From Hand to Hand: Early Virginia Lawyers and the Value of a Book

Barb Howe
Stewart Plein, West Virginia University

Drinko Library 138

2:00 PM - 3:15 PM

Session 3.06 History, Politics, Government, and Crime

"Jay Rockefeller's Swan Song?" Opposition to Mining as Rhetorical Resignation


Ryan P. McCullough, West Liberty University

Drinko Library 138

2:00 PM - 3:15 PM

Session 3.07 Documentary Discussion

Images of Appalachia in Popular Film and Documentary


Walter E. Squire, Marshall University
Diane Long, Marshall University
Lauren Peyton, Marshall University
Audrey Stewart, Marshall University
Brooke Stull, Marshall University

Science Hall 276

2:00 PM - 3:15 PM

Session 3.08 Literature and Poetry

The Food, Faith, and Language of a Region in the Novels of Julia Watts


Food in Finding H.F. and Secret City by Julia Watts: The Food of Home and the Food of the Big City

Heavenly Faith vs. Homosexual Faith: Christianity and Homosexuality in Finding H.F. by Julia Watts

Language and Discourse in the Composition Classroom: A Method and Rationale for Teaching YA Literature to First Year Writers

Allison E. Carey, Marshall University
Dreama Gale Pritt, Marshall University
Whitney Afton Naylor-Smith, Marshall University

Corbly Hall 244

2:00 PM - 3:15 PM

Session 3.09 Poster Session

APPALACHIAN TEACHING PROJECT: Sustaining the Community Mind for Long-term Community Resiliency: Appalachian Values Assessment in Floyd County, Virginia


Melinda B. Wagner, Radford University

MSC Lobby

2:00 PM - 3:15 PM

Session 3.09 Poster Session

Asheville The Changing City


Alexandra Marie VanDusen

MSC Lobby

2:00 PM - 3:15 PM

Session 3.09 Poster Session

Asset Mapping in Rural Appalachia: Connecting Schools, Families, and Communities to Promote Physical Activity


Sean M. Bulger, West Virginia University
Ishonte Allar, West Virginia University

MSC Lobby

2:00 PM - 3:15 PM

Session 3.09 Poster Session

Awareness and Barriers to Obtaining Mental Health Services on an Appalachian Region University Campus


Ben J. Hargreaves, Marshall University
Penny Koontz, Marshall University
April Fugett, Marshall University

MSC Lobby

2:00 PM - 3:15 PM

Session 3.09 Poster Session

Barriers to Accessing Mental Health Care in Rural Appalachia from Providers’ Perspectives


Alyssa N. Adkins, Marshall University
Penny Koontz, Marshall University
April Fugett

MSC Lobby

2:00 PM - 3:15 PM

Session 3.09 Poster Session

Battling Pediatric Obesity in West Virginia: Helping Healthy Win


Camille N. Uncapher, Marshall University
Kelsey J. Cook, Marshall University
Michael S. Stinnett, Marshall University
Jennifer D. Tiano, Marshall University

MSC Lobby

2:00 PM - 3:15 PM

Session 3.09 Poster Session

Child Labor in the Carolina Mountains


Ashley L. Spears, Mars Hill College

MSC Lobby

2:00 PM - 3:15 PM

Session 3.09 Poster Session

Coal and It's Story: Development of a 21st Century Coal Community


Dena J. Gilchrist
Christy Collins, Fairmont State University
Jaimie Turner, Fairmont State University
Joanna Lee Ross, Fairmont State University

MSC Lobby

2:00 PM - 3:15 PM

Session 3.09 Poster Session

Coal Dust Curse:The Politics of Black Lung & The Stories of Miners Who Have It


The Politics of Black Lung & The Stories of Miners Who Have It

Theresa L. Burriss, Radford University

MSC Lobby

2:00 PM - 3:15 PM

Session 3.09 Poster Session

Community Commonalities: Cross-Cultural Learning in Wales and Appalachia


Mary R. Taylor
Kathryn Engle, University of Kentucky
Katie Griffith
Mary Pope
Calvin Wheat
Eryn Staib
Alyssa Roberto

MSC Lobby

2:00 PM - 3:15 PM

Session 3.09 Poster Session

Designing on a Dime: Creating Promotional Materials for Non-Profit Organizations


Julieann F. Helton

MSC Lobby

2:00 PM - 3:15 PM

Session 3.09 Poster Session

Determining the Effect of Liming on Gyrinophilis porphyriticus Occupancy Using Single Species Single Season Occupancy Modeling


Elise M. Edwards, Marshall University

MSC Lobby

2:00 PM - 3:15 PM

Session 3.09 Poster Session

Economic Development Networks in Kentucky Appalachia


Sara Compion
Brandon Ofem
Walter J. Ferrier

MSC Lobby

2:00 PM - 3:15 PM

Session 3.09 Poster Session

Economics of Mountain Top Coal Removal in Central Appalachia


James K. Pugh, University of Louisville

MSC Lobby

2:00 PM - 3:15 PM

Session 3.09 Poster Session

Educational Practices in Sex Education in Appalachia


Kasey Kizer

MSC Lobby

2:00 PM - 3:15 PM

Session 3.09 Poster Session

Effects of Childhood Autism on Families: A Rural/Urban Comparison


Meg Stone, Marshall University

MSC Lobby

2:00 PM - 3:15 PM

Session 3.09 Poster Session

Evaluating the Effectiveness of Different Methods of Detection for the Eastern Hellbender (Cryptobranchus a. alleganiensis) in the Ohio River Watershed


Kelli M. Herrick, Marshall University

MSC Lobby

2:00 PM - 3:15 PM

Session 3.09 Poster Session

Exploring the History of Western Virginia and West Virginia Through West Virginia and Regional History Center (WVRHC) Archival Resources


Anna M. Schein, West Virginia University

MSC Lobby

2:00 PM - 3:15 PM

Session 3.09 Poster Session

Issues of Conservation in New Appalachia


Ericka R. Hincke, Mars Hill College

MSC Lobby

2:00 PM - 3:15 PM

Session 3.09 Poster Session

Lessons for Appalachia's Transition to a Post-Coal Economy: The Japanese Model


Robin Antepara, Gakushuin University

MSC Lobby

2:00 PM - 3:15 PM

Session 3.09 Poster Session

Social and Cultural Factors as a Catalyst for Change: A Phenomenological Study of Female Victims of Intimate Partner Violence in Knox County, Kentucky


Christian J. Messer Gaitskill, Northern Kentucky University

MSC Lobby

2:00 PM - 3:15 PM

Session 3.09 Poster Session

The Benefits of Early Music Education for Language Acquisition Among Head Start Students


Kelcey Perkins, Marshall University
Michael Stinnett, Marshall University
Camiile Uncapher, Marshall University
Jennifer Tiano, Marshall Univeristy
April D. Fugett, Marshall University

MSC Lobby

2:00 PM - 3:15 PM

Session 3.09 Poster Session

The Challenges of Constructing a Genogram on an Appalachian Extended Family Health Consciousness


Dilip Nair, Marshall University
Indira Bhavsar, Marshall University
Nafeeza Hussain, Marshall University

MSC Lobby

2:00 PM - 3:15 PM

Session 3.09 Poster Session

The Effects of Ruralism and Sexual Orientation on Adolescent Alcohol Use: A Retrospective Glance


Karla B. Moore, Marshall University
Keith Beard, Marshall University
Penny Koontz ., Marshall University
April Fugett, Marshall University

MSC Lobby

2:00 PM - 3:15 PM

Session 3.09 Poster Session

The Soundscape of Appalachian Mountaintop Grasslands: Assessing the Ecological Potential of Coal Mined Lands


Anne Axel, Marshall University

MSC Lobby

2:00 PM - 3:15 PM

Session 3.09 Poster Session

Traditional Music Alive in "New Appalachia"


Susan M. Hobbs, Morehead State University

MSC Lobby

2:00 PM - 3:15 PM

Session 3.09 Poster Session

Treatment of Individuals with Chronic Mental Illness in Appalachia and Suggestions for Future Intervention Approaches and Research


David E. Wolfe, Marshall University

MSC Lobby

2:00 PM - 3:15 PM

Session 3.09 Poster Session

West Virginia Coal Miners: A Model for Conceptualizing Behavioral Health Risks


Jillian Keener

MSC Lobby

2:00 PM - 3:15 PM

Session 3.09 Poster Session

You Can't Go Home Again


Jason Michael Hartz, Siena Heights University

MSC Lobby

2:00 PM - 3:15 PM

Session 3.10 Education and Activism

Using Community Service to Build Paths Back to East Kentucky for Robinson Scholars


Jeff Spradling, University of Kentucky
UK College Student
UK College Student
UK College Student

Harris Hall 303

2:00 PM - 3:15 PM

Session 3.11 Education and Youth Issues

Painting The Beauty Of Appalachia


Inspiring Our Youths To Learn About Nature

Ariadne Gejevski, ariadnART

Harris Hall 234

2:00 PM - 3:15 PM

Session 3.12 Culture, Folklore and Folkways

Mountain Schools in the Ukrainian Carpathians: Educational Challenges and Pedagogical Trends


Mountain Schools in the Ukrainian Carpathians: Legislative History and Current Status

The Contemporary Folklore Revival in the Mountain Schools of the Ukrainian Carpathians: Experience and Assessment

The Influence of the Mountain Environment on the Character and Identity of Young Ukrainian Highlanders

Tetyana Blyznyuk
Vasyl Karabinovych
Olena Budnyk
Inna Chervinska

Harris Hall 137

2:00 PM - 3:15 PM

Session 3.13 Literature and Poetry

Beyond Beer, Bucks, and Busted Lips: Representations of Masculinity in Eric Shade's Eyesores


Nathan Anderson, Marietta College

Harris Hall 443

2:00 PM - 3:15 PM

Session 3.13 Literature and Poetry

“I Had To Take Pen in Hand”: Two Versions of Silas House's "Unsent Letter" and the Problem of Appalachian Minstrelsy


Jimmy D. Smith, Union College - Barbourville

Harris Hall 443

2:00 PM - 3:15 PM

Session 3.13 Literature and Poetry

“The World is Ripe, and We’ll Pluck It like an Apple from A Tree”: Female Agency in Ron Rash’s Serena


Jessica S. Christensen, University of Tennessee

Harris Hall 443

2:00 PM - 3:15 PM

Session 3.13 Literature and Poetry

You’d Best go Expecting Anything: Folkloric and Literary Precedents of Manly Wade Wellman’s Silver John Stories.


Daniel L. Schnopp-Wyatt Ph.D., Lindsey Wilson College

Harris Hall 443

2:00 PM - 3:15 PM

Session 3.14 Folklore and folkways

Ballad Gems from Northwestern West Virginia


Beth Bergeron Folkemer, Dearest Home
Stephen P. Folkemer, Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg

Harris Hall 139

2:00 PM - 3:15 PM

Session 3.15 Performance

An Exploration of Music and Messages from the Civil War


John T. Trokan D.Min, College of Mount St. Joseph
Sherry Cook-Stanforth
Nancy Trokan Mathison
Jim and Nan Cook

Smith Hall 154

2:00 PM - 3:15 PM

Session 3.15 Performance

The Rape of Appalachia, The War on Poverty and the Sterilization of the Dullards


Stacy Kranitz, University of California - Irvine

Smith Hall 154

2:00 PM - 3:15 PM

Session 3.16 Education and Youth Issues

Imagined Possibilities for the Region's Children: Community After School Programs


Joy Gritton
RoseMary Johnson, Haldeman Community Center
Jennifer Guthrie, Tygart Creek Elementary School
Sarah Shepherd, Morehead State University
Andrew Kuchenbrod, Morehead State University
Joseph Rivers, Morehead State University

Smith Hall 335

2:00 PM - 3:15 PM

Session 3.17 Music

West Virginia's Early Country Music from GOLDENSEAL Magazine


John Lilly, West Virginia Division of Culture and History

Corbly Hall 464

2:00 PM - 3:15 PM

Session 3.18 Tourism and Development

Appalachian Teaching Project: Sustaining the Community Mind for Long-term Community Resiliency: Appalachian Values Assessment in Floyd County, Virginia


Melinda B. Wagner, Radford University
Kasey L. Campbell, Radford University
Chalres D. Salyers, Radford University
Haley M. Stewart, Radford University
Victoria R. Curtis, Radford University
Langley J. Looney, Radford University
Taylor R. LaPrade, Radford University
Sarah M. Wood, Radford University
Ryan M. Woodson, Radford University

Corbly Hall 117

2:00 PM - 3:15 PM

Friday, March 27th
1:30 PM

Session 3.01 Literature

Appalachia in Science Fiction: Traditional Music in Novels by Manly Wade Wellman and Suzanne Collins


Richard Miles Britton, Appalachian State University

1:30 PM - 2:45 PM

Session 3.01 Literature

Southern Appalachian Mill Life in Poem and Song


Jim A. Clark, Barton College

1:30 PM - 2:45 PM

Session 3.01 Literature

The Musicality of the Mountains in Catloochee


Heather F. Spear, Liberty University

1:30 PM - 2:45 PM

Session 3.01 Literature

This Mountain’s Music: Singing and Landscape in the Poetry of Kathryn Stripling Byer


Alana D. Sherrill, Johnson & Wales University - Charlotte

1:30 PM - 2:45 PM

Session 3.02 Appalachian Studies

Conflict, Solidarity, Imagination: Affect in Appalachian Development


Gabriel Piser, Ohio State University - Main Campus

1:30 PM - 2:45 PM

Session 3.02 Coal

Removal of Mountains: The Restructuring of Communities


Nicholas J. Rose, Oklahoma State University - Main Campus

1:30 PM - 2:45 PM

Session 3.02 Economic Conditions

Investigating Economic Diversity in Eastern Kentucky’s Area Development Districts


Jessica Stewart, Morehead State Unversity
Christine Emrich, Morehead State University

1:30 PM - 2:45 PM

Session 3.02 Politics



Philip G. Lewin, Florida Atlantic University

1:30 PM - 2:45 PM

Session 3.02 Social Life

Power in Things: Creativity and Mass Consumption at Kentucky Company Coal Towns


Zada Komara, University of Kentucky

1:30 PM - 2:45 PM

Session 3.03 Coal

A Murder at the Police Barracks: The John Barcoski Slaying


Richard P. Mulcahy, University of Pittsburgh

1:30 PM - 2:45 PM

Session 3.03 Politics

The Presidential Election of 1940 in Appalachia


Philip A. Grant, Pace University - New York

1:30 PM - 2:45 PM

Session 3.03 Politics

Where Appalachia Went Right: Pro-Coal Politics in the Era of Climate Change


Gabriel I. Schwartzman, University of California - Berkeley

1:30 PM - 2:45 PM

Session 3.04 Literature

Gone Fishing: Trauma and Repression in Ron Rash’s Water World


Randall Wilhelm, Anderson University

1:30 PM - 2:45 PM

Session 3.04 Literature

Serena and her Classical Predecessors


Lesleigh B. Jones, UMass Boston

1:30 PM - 2:45 PM

Session 3.04 Women and Gender

The “whore of Babylon will come forth in the last days wearing pants”: An Ecofeminist Approach to Gender Roles in Ron Rash’s Serena


Elisabeth Aiken, Saint Leo University

1:30 PM - 2:45 PM

Session 3.05 Environment

Clean the Mill: Environmental Protest in Post-industrial Nova Scotia


Peter Thompson, Carleton University

1:30 PM - 2:45 PM

Session 3.05 Environment

Topophilia or Topophobia? Environment and Health in West Virginia


Brian A. Hoey, Marshall University

1:30 PM - 2:45 PM

Session 3.05 Health

Behavioral Health in Appalachia: Lessons learned, lessons offered


Kellee Boster, Marshall University
John P. Van Horn Jr, Marshall University
Marianna Footo Linz, Marshall University
Marty Amerikaner, Marshall University

1:30 PM - 2:45 PM

Session 3.05 Health

Meditation in the Holler: Practical Exercises to Help Children in Distress


Sarah Shepherd, Morehead State University

1:30 PM - 2:45 PM

Session 3.06 Economic Development: University Engagement and Community Development

Carpe Noctem: Night Sky Economic Development in Calhoun County, West Virginia


Sustainable Innovations in the Copper Basin: A Case Study of the Appalachian Teaching Project

Get Yer Corn From a Jar: Exploring the Modern Moonshine Movement in America

The Smart Communities Initiative: A New Model for University Engagement and Service Learning

Tim Ezzell, University of Tennessee - Knoxville
Kassie M. Ernst, University of Tennessee - Knoxville
Helen M. Rosko, University of Tennessee - Knoxville
Kelly Ellenburg, University of Tennessee - Knoxville

1:30 PM - 2:45 PM

Session 3.07 (Economic Conditions) Appalachianism and the War on Poverty: Campbell, Whisman, and the Middle Kentucky River ADC

Integrating a Region through Comprehensive Development: Whisman and the Creation of the Appalachian Regional Commission


“Naming is creating”: John C. Campbell & Olive Dame Campbell’s role in defining Appalachian regionalism

“Maximum Feasible Participation” in Appalachian Historical Context

Glen Taul, Campbellsville University
Penny Messinger, Daemen College
Rob Weise, Eastern Kentucky University

1:30 PM - 2:45 PM

Session 3.08 (Health) The Maternal Infant Health Outreach Worker Program: A Multi Site, Multi Method Randomized Control Trial Program Evaluation in Rural West Virginia (Year 2 Data)

Overview of MIHOW Program


Summary of Year 2 Quantitative Data: MIHOW RCT Evaluation

Summary of Year 2 Qualitative Data: Emerging and Continuing Themes

Challenges of Sustained Data Collection in Challenging Environment

Marty Amerikaner, Marshall University
Linda Spatig, Marshall University
Chris LeGrow, Marshall University
Stephen O'Keefe, Marshall University
Melissa Colagrosso, Marshall University
Kathy Bialk, Marshall University
Kelli Kerbawy, Marshall University

1:30 PM - 2:45 PM

Session 3.09 (Economic Development) Economic Development on a Banjo String

The Crooked Road: Virginia's Heritage Music Trail


Timothy W. Thornton, Virginia Western Community College
Jack Hinshelwood, The Crooked Road: Virginia's Heritage Music Trail
Ned Savage, Mountain Music Trail
Rob Bell, Blue Ridge National Heritage Area Partnership

1:30 PM - 2:45 PM

Session 3.10 Folklore: Many Musics from Western NC to East TN & Beyond

Fighting Dragons (Or Witches): W NC Mountain Tradition Bearers of 17th C British Ballads


Folk Veterinary Knowledge and Practice in the Blue Ridge (with Video)

Local & Familial Music for Public Consumption: Traditional East Tennessee Music Goes National and Global

Carolina Chocolate Drops and Cultural Exchange Concerts Invigorate Musical Crossroads and Sustainability (& Video)

Donna T. Corriher, Appalachian State University
Shawn Terrell, Appalachian State University
Joseph Decosimo, Appalachian State University
Cece Conway, Appalachian State U

1:30 PM - 2:45 PM

Session 3.11 Health: Medicinal Herbs and Appalachian Sustainability, Natural and Human

Traditional Health Care as a Model for Modern Health Care.


Building an Herb Business That's Good for Land, People, and our Economic Future

Joys and Challenges of Being Wild with an Herbal Extracts Business

Growing and Marketing Woodland Medicinals

CoreyPine Shane, Blue Ridge School of Herbal Medicine
Tricia Shapiro, Hap Mountain Herbal
Jeannie Dunn, Red Moon Herbs
Jeanine Davis, NC State University Mountain Horticultural Crops Research & Extension Center

1:30 PM - 2:45 PM

Session 3.12 (Education) Pass it On: After-school Traditional Music Education Programs

Georgia Pick & Bow Traditional Music School, Inc.


POSAM (Preserving our Appalachian Musicians)

Kentucky's Passing the Pick and Bow

Junior Appalachian Musicians

Ann E. Whitley-Singleton, Executive Director, Georgia Pick & Bow Traditional Music School, Inc.
Betty W. McDaniel Ph.D, Executive Director, Young Appalachian Musicians
Matthew Carter, Program Director and Traditional Music Project Coordinator, Passing the Pick and Bow
Brett Morris Martin, Executive Director, Junior Appalachian Musicians

1:30 PM - 2:45 PM

Session 3.13 (Ethnicity and Race) Digging, Dancing, Dynamite, and Diversity: Warren Wilson College Professors Engage Western North Carolina’s Multicultural Past

Cherokee Diplomats and the Diplomacy of Survival


“A Mixed Multitude of All Classes and Complexions”: Diversity and Dance in Appalachia

Landscape, Song, and the Tragic Story of the Swannanoa Tunnel in Western North Carolina

Work, Service, Academics, and Gravestones: Building Community and Cultivating Memory through the South Asheville Cemetery

David G. Moore, Warren Wilson College
Philip A. Jamison, Warren Wilson College
Kevin Kehrberg, Warren Wilson College
Jeffrey A. Keith, Warren Wilson College
Ronald D. Eller, University of Kentucky

1:30 PM - 2:45 PM

Session 3.14 Appalachian Studies

Strategic Planning to Strengthen Appalachian Studies Programs in the Twenty-first Century


Theresa L. Burriss, Radford University
Alice Jones, Eastern Kentucky University
J. Shane Barton, University of Kentucky
Robert Gipe, Southeast Kentucky Community and Technical College
Amy Clark, University of Virginia's College at Wise

1:30 PM - 2:45 PM

Session 3.15 Music

Appalachian Music: Discussing the Top Ten


Meredith Doster, Emory University
Kevin Fore
Trish Kilby Fore
William Lightfoot
Rich Kirby
Ted Olson, East Tennessee State University
Ronald A. Pen, University of Kentucky
Deborah Thompson, Berea College
Dave Wood, Brown University
Mark Freed, Appalachian State University
Trevor McKenzie, Appalachian State University
Sandy Ballard, Appalachian State University

1:30 PM - 2:45 PM

Session 3.16 Music

Documentary Film Screening: “Banjo Romantika”


Lee Bidgood, East Tennessee State University

1:30 PM - 2:45 PM

Session 3.17 Social Life

Hills, hymns, and highways: Two films dedicated to showcasing Kentucky’s unique cultures.


Steven O. Middleton Colonel, Morehead State University
Ann M. Andaloro, Morehead State University

1:30 PM - 2:45 PM

Session 3.18 Health

A program for training professionals coming to the Appalachian Region


Tom Plaut, Mars Hill University-retired

1:30 PM - 2:45 PM

Session 3.18 Health

This Lonely Time: A Life of Music & Mental Health in Appalachia


Matthew S. Parsons
William Lloyd Parsons, Morehead State University

1:30 PM - 2:45 PM